Coaching the Out-spoken

An out-spoken person, also known for using an aggressive communication style, is comfortable expressing their opinion, speaking up, brainstorming, and even taking charge of a conversation.

Pat loves a good debate. While Pat perceives a good discussion or debate as fun and interesting, colleagues perceive it as argumentative and pushy. While Pat was aware something seems different at work, the cause of the problem was elusive. Pat hired a coach after receiving a written warning. When Pat explained the situation, the coach listened to understand Pat as a person.

Tips for Recognizing the Out-spoken:


Readily able to articulate their ideas and opinions




Fast decision-makers


Ability to lead the conversation


Tendency to dominate

Tips for Coaching the Out-spoken:


Give the opportunity to think out loud


Double-check previous priorities with current priorities


Ask them to evaluate their decision-making process


Explore the impact of short-term goals on long-term goals


Ask them to plan their specific steps and consider outcome possibilities of their plan

The coach asked Pat to describe the situation and brainstorm issues. When Pat was stuck, the coach provided perspective by giving several examples of others in similar situations. The coach then asked Pat how others might perceive conversations.

Based on perspective developed during coaching, Pat choose to experiment with different approaches for communicating. After receiving positive feedback, Pat realized what worked. Pat then asked the coach to continue as a partner in developing more communication and people skills.

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